Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another fencing project casulty

I admit it. I'm a bit of a fence junky. There is a place for everything and everything should be in its place. Once we're done with the latest fencing project we'll easily be able to graze sheep anywhere on the property and when our friends come over with dogs of the sled dog variety we'll be able to do things off leash without worry of them disappearing into the woods forever.

We started pounding posts last night and it was going along lickety split till we got to the dog runs. It was an ackward corner with a gate and a number of trees that we wanted to save. It involved backing the tractor and pounder up while avoiding a million different things.

I avoided 999,999 of them. I didn't rip the run apart. I didn't kill the trees. I did not run over Travis

I did however, run over the pooper scooper. It's a sad day. I know it - it's just a scoop. However, in a former life I owned a bording kennel and that scoop and I go way back.

We've been through a lot of crap together.

Sorry buddy.

1 comment:

Life With Dogs said...

I'd offer to bend it back in to shape for you - but I can't find my rubber gloves. ;)