As you know, I've had a little extra free time on my hands lately. Rather than waste it, I've kept myself busy with productive work and education. I've always been interested in science and now I have the time to explore some ideas that have often kept me up at night.
Like, what can I get Hope to eat?
Hope is not an Australian Shepherd. Aussies will eat anything...without thinking. If I offered Bruce a rock he would have it swallowed before it even occured to him that it might not be food. Hope is a kibble eating kind of dog. A meat and potatoes, hold the potatoes kind of dog.
However, he's also a desperate to please kind of dog. I wanted to see just how far he would go to make me happy. Hence, the following series of experiments.
No animals were harmed (physically at least, I'm pretty certain that the Border Collie needs therapy now) in these experiments and the scientist was highly entertained for at least an hour - objective achieved!

No need to send me emails telling the grapes are toxic when fed to dogs. It was one grape. Four days later and he's still running around so I think he survived the experience. Before grapes and raisins were pronounced toxic to dogs I happily fed them loads of them. Ignorance IS bliss.
Loyalty did win out and eventually the grape disappeared. I haven't found it stuffed into a potted plant either.
Definitely the piece de resistance.
Behold the power of a dog's jaws.