Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A great start to the season.

Louanne, Naomi (Princess in training) and I headed down to Coldstream BC for Lee Lumb's Stirling Acres trial this past weekend. It's the first trial of the year, and it was great to see everyone again. 
As usual I never did get around to taking pictures at the trial...and as of today would love to know just where I left my camera...
However I can report that a good time was had by all. Flint came along for the ride and incredibly, got over his car sickness while travelling on BC highways.
Kate and I had a bit of disagreement on her first run and so I chose to end it early. She returned to her usual sweet self on day two and we finished fourth. 
This was Ben's first field trial, and well, you never quite know what's going to happen when they  leave your feet for the first time. Little Benny totally took it all in stride and came in second (behind first by one point) both runs for first over all. He's now qualified for the USBCHA finals, which leaves us the rest of the summer to enjoy trialling without any pressure. Along with the gorgeous trophy for Nursery Champion (thank you Schweb Contracting!) he also won "Best Outfield Work".

Ben and his loot - all in a days work.

Lovely weather, a VERY well run trial, visiting with the best of friends AND dogs that ran great...
what a way to start the season!

1 comment:

Jenny Glen said...

Wow! Nice trophy! The first of many, I'm sure.