I had a chat with Mr. Porcupine and thanked him for choosing the tree over the trail.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Encounters of the prickly kind
I had a chat with Mr. Porcupine and thanked him for choosing the tree over the trail.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Biscuit takes assertiveness training
Today's walk started out like every other.
But then Biscuit remembered his favourite Anthony Robbins quote. "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten"...
So this is what happened the NEXT time Bruce got up to his usual antics.
If you look closely, you can see a "oooh, Bruce is gonna get it" smile on Tell's face.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Inuit Spring
Right now I'd say we're going through what I now call Inuit Spring. The weather is fantastic. It's acting like spring. It smells like spring. It's pretty easy to get caught up in it all.
The fact of the matter though is that it's February, which means that there is definitely more winter on the way.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Evel Knievel
Brucie is the youngest of the bunch at about 6 months of age. He's most likely my last Aussie (there, I've said it out loud). Having said that, he's just the kind of Aussie that can get a person hooked on the breed. He's sweet. He's soft. He's VERY entertaining.
His latest hobby is using Biscuit as an obstacle to jump. MOST of the time he clears him easily.
Lengthwise with Biscuit moving is a slightly bigger challenge, but easily accomplished.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
My new toy
Friday, February 15, 2008
Fun in the Sun
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Whistle while you work
Instead of hit tunes on the stereo, I listen to "Gaining the Winning Edge With Whistles". Good thing I'm alone all day...
I've been practicing in the house and have been doing quite well I think. So, this afternoon Tell and I went out to the sheep so I could start teaching him. I started. I suck. If I was my dog I'd be correcting me. I might even thinking about moving me along.
I'm going to give myself another week of remedial training before subjecting the poor dog to it again.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
The Snow ball effect
It all started with a herding clinic or “fun day”. I went to one and liked it…A LOT. I went to a few more. I quickly realized that taking my dog to sheep once a month was going to get me nowhere fast. Never mind I was spending enough money on gas getting to the sheep that I could have bought a cull ewe per trip.
This is how I started to justify getting sheep. Ask Travis and he’ll tell you that I am the queen of rationalizing anything…
I couldn’t just buy sheep though. I needed somewhere to put them. So I sold my left kidney on the black market and bought fencing, wood, electric net fencing, etc., etc.. I got a few sheep and figured I was set.
Thing is, if you only have a few sheep, they catch on about as fast as the dog and the next thing you know they’re “too broke”. This, plus the fact that now I’ve discovered that I really like sheep, means that I need to get some more. It’s why there are sheep manuals, sheep magazines and sheep brochures scattered from one end of the house to the other. It’s why I’m hunting around for bred ewes and learning about direct marketing. It’s why I’m already thinking about the fencing that will need to be done this year. It’s why there is a black and white dog with a tail at my feet and most likely another on the way.
There really should be a warning at the bottom of a “fun day” sign-up sheet. “Participating in this activity may lead to life altering obsession”
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Tell's growing circle of friends
They eventually worked out a decent truce. As long as Tell steered clear of Antonio, the cat would leave him unharmed.
So, imagine my surprise today when I walked into the living room and found the two of the snuggled up together on the couch. Apparently Tell has won over Antonio with his charming personality. Either that or the cat has realized that a Border Collie is a good heat source.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Blogger's pressure
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
It's time to out myself.
After almost 15 years in Australian Shepherds I’ve added a new breed to the pack. What led to this? A small flock of sheep and a growing obsession with all the things that come with owning them.
I’ve been told that I’ve “gone over to the dark side”.
One of these things is not like the others...